Want Success? Be Coachable!

I often hear family, friends and acquaintances speak about their desire to be successful in various areas of life and many times during those moments of observation, I learn that we desire success without the willingness to submit to proper coaching /training or to the process of development. Many days I reflect on my earlier years and my many attempts to get to some level of success, realizing that I wasn't very coachable at all. I often wanted to skip steps and ignore wisdom from others who had previously stood in my shoes. No wonder it took me until the age of about 31 years of age to finally understand one thing...in order to learn something, you have to know nothing. Life is a journey through so many courses that contain fierce training and some downright moments of weakness. However, in those weak moments that's when you should grow! All things that are fully grown have went through some phase of fragility, waiting, nurturing, agitation; think of the butterfly, fine wine, olive seed which produces olive oil. Nothing that is meant to grow and become useful makes it to the stage of full maturation without some period of intense development. Essentially you are useless if you refuse to be developed. With development comes coaching and training! Your purpose cannot afford for you to be too stiff to listen to someone else or skip on your studies/research. Your purpose is too great for you to refuse the wisdom of God! God is excellent at pairing us with people who can teach us a thing or two and when we are mumbling under our breath and throwing tantrums because of what the coach is saying, those actions are usually indicative of the fact that you are just where you should be! Stop stunting your growth and become coachable!
Proverbs 1:5-7 (Msg)
"There's something here also for the seasoned men and women, still a thing or two for the experienced to learn- Fresh wisdom to probe and penetrate, the rhymes and reasons of wise men and women...The first step to learning is to bow to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning."